Health... |
STEALTH Mist Collection
Systems are designed to capture and filter out contaminated
air (oil, coolant mist, smoke, dust, odors and fumes) making
your shop a cleaner, healthier place to work. Healthy employees
provide long-term benefits to your operation. Want to find out more? Contact
us. |
Safety... |
Shop floor slick with oil or coolant
mist build-up? The Eliminator is a patent-pending pre-filtering
system that can effectively recover 90% of mist from the air
before it can reach your shop floor or your conventional mist
collection system. When floors, walls and ceilings are clean and dry, work-place
hazards are reduced. |
Savings... |
STEALTH Mist Collection
Systems save you money. Reclaimed, liquified oil or coolant
is recycled back to the machine sump - so you save money on
oil and coolant. Purified air can be safely vented back into
the shop, eliminating the need to exhaust air to the outdoors
- so you save on shop heating and cooling! How much can you save? Let us provide you with a cost-free |
no-obligation analysis and estimate. Contact
JJG Air Solutions Engineering - JJG Enterprises
P.O. Box 403 Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130-0403
Phone (414) 427-9585 - Fax (414) 427-0085 |